jueves, 7 de marzo de 2013

Facts about me

(A bit about me)

Although I believe that through my blog entries I can create an idea about who I am. And as a good 'imaginative' I want to add some small details perhaps useless data, which serve to add fuel to the imagination of my readers.

1. I have 19 years, weight 120 lbs and my height is 5'10 ft. I am slim and tall. Ich bin ein Monster. :)

2. My life is boring and routine, hell itself. The only thing that helps me to survive is the internet and I'm an addict.

3. I'm a college student and I do two degrees simultaneously one in language and Latin American literature and another in Mathematics.

4. I'm lazy and introspective, I'm always lost everywhere.

5. I like languages, Spanish is my native language and English is my language adopted by necessity and intellectual curiosity. Portuguese is a fun language and German despite being a difficult language and perhaps strongest, for me is my infant tongue and barely I know to say a word and it makes me feel very baby one learns every day a new word. French is for me the language of art. These statements are mere impressions of mine.

7. I love the tea and milk with chocolate, reason enough for that to be the title that brings this blog.

8. I plead against modernity. (Philosophy)

9. I like having many puzzles and many books.

10. I am a completely disaster, a universal one.

11. I have trouble sleeping before three o'clock.

12. I like the baby diapers (ABDL side)

13. I live in a house of social interest and I have a younger brother. I am very poor (I need a job and end my community service).

14. I know a couple of ABDLs in person, not a big deal when you have such different lives.

15. I have a strange fascination with those cakes at children's parties with cherries.

16. Priviet Russiya (That is all that i can say in Russian).

17. I think China will always be red.

18. I'm bisexual

19. I like talking to strangers on the internet and tell all my life, my problems and my bad jokes as if they have always known.

20. I'm sick and sometimes too crazy; out of reality and the world.

21. I like cats, turtles and rabbits.

22. My favorite anime is No.6

23. I would like to become a scientist, I think I chose a difficult path.

24. I have a terrible fear of failure.

25. Before I have thought about justice in the world as something natural, now I think about how unfair the world is and how difficult it is to survive.

26. My favorite color is blue and green.

27. I have many ideas that never took place in real life.

28. I would like to go live very far in winter weather.

29. I like strange forums and chats with strangers.

30. Ich bin ein Dinsaurier (I mean I like them) :) Raawr!

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